Holiday Tree-cycling Tips

Stressing about what to do with your Chirstmas Tree? After the holidays, don't throw your real Christmas Tree in the trash or place it on the curb to go to the landfill. Real trees are biodegradable and there are many ways that they can either be up-cycled or recycled. For example, you could turn it into a bird feeder, mulch, or a soil errosion barrier.
If you aren't feeling crafty you could always find a local tree recycling program through your local department of public works.
The best way to avoid a mess removing your tree is to place a plastic tree bag (available at South Mountain MicroFARM's holiday shop or your local hardware store) underneath the stand when you set the tree up. Don't worry you can hide it with a tree skirt. Then, when the holidays are done, pull the bag up around the tree, stand and all, and carry it outside. Obviously, you will want to remove the stand before recycling the tree. If some needles do scatter inside, it is better to sweep them up; as needles can clog vacuum cleaners.
Here's a link, to the National Christmas Tree Association, with a few other great ideas to help you reuse or recycle your families "perfect" tree.
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